At qashqade, client success is a priority, that's why our Services for Private Markets team takes care of every detail during our clients' first steps, leading the onboarding experience. The qashqade method ensures fast implementation via our experienced team of experts with deep industry knowledge and expertise.

SPM Team
The qashqade method ensures fast software implementation, taking care of our client’s requirements and operational needs. From loading data to setting up logic and steps in the application.
Validate LPA fees from your asset management service and other investments, when using qashqade. Get a full gap analysis report, in depth revision and detail reporting, so you can keep your expenses and performance fees under control.
Get onboard with our SPM Team: Training sessions adapted to your team’s needs, tutorials, and permanent support ensure a seamless experience using qashqade.
Laying the foundation for being an independent qashqade user through various workshops and interactive Q&A sessions.

The qashqade method

At qashqade, client success is a priority, that's why our Services for Private Markets team takes care of every detail during or client's first steps, leading the onboarding experience. The 'qashqade method' takes you through the application setup, data review, LPA analysis and we then offer comprehensive advisory services to guide you to success.

qashqade method
Get one step ahead with qashqade: speak to our team today
LPA Validation - trust but verify
Are you paying too much to your General Partners? Are the management fees they are charging you calculated correctly? Do you have confidence in what is happening across all of your partnership agreements? We help LPs get the deal they signed up for.
White Paper: LPA Validation - trust but verify